Monday, October 13

Mini Music

FKA Twigs - LP1

The artist formerly known as Tahliah Barnett, FKA Twigs has released her first studio album - 'LP1'. A futuristic record featuring stuttering drum machines, 808s and metallic synths; each song draws you closer and keeps you wondering. Against harsh digital effects Twigs’ voice soars sweetly, roars and bends behind a vocoder. The lyrics flit in the same way from strong sexuality in Two Weeks, “My thighs are apart for when you're ready to breathe in, suck me up”, to the much gentler Pendulum with a sombre sense of heartbreak, "So lonely trying to be yours”. The album is sonic, packed with stark and honest lyrics.

Todd Terje - It's Album Time

As the name suggests, 'It’s Album Time' is Todd Terje’s first full-length album. Once called 'elevator music', the album is cheesy but it knows it. If it were a cocktail it would be sucrose sweet with too much grenadine and pink paper umbrellas. The result is relentlessly upbeat, climaxing with the sugar high Inspector Norse.

Angel Olsen - Burn Your Fire For No Witnesses

The second studio album from Angel Olsen delivers a fuller, louder sound with wilder vocals than ever before. Olsen’s twangy electric folk is enchanting, as though powered by a single bare bulb flickering on the edge of expiration. Charred electric guitars accompany daydreamy lyrics, “I wish it were the same as it is in my mind” Olsen warbles. As a whole, the album is catchy, kitschy and reassuring while staying true to the disconnected lonerism of 'Halfway Home'.

Mac DeMarco - Salad Days

Salad Days is the third studio album from Canadian sweetheart Mac DeMarco, filled to the brim with his familiar, happy-go-lucky California synth. The woozy bass and sweet, soulful lyrics remain where the somewhat forced quirkiness of ‘2’ has been replaced with a clever sense of humour and more funky guitar.

Glass Animals - Zaba

The debut album from Oxford four-piece Glass Animals is smart and sexy. Half way between Alt-J and Wild Beasts, the beats are well timed and intricate, laced with clever one-liners and cheeky schoolboy charm. The highlight is Hazey, a sultry and confident love song with R&B influences and eastern instrumentals.

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